Saturday, October 27, 2007

Montgomery County, Ohio, Health and Human Services Levy – Issue 20

Why is Issue 20 bad?

Empowering the government to take, yet more, of your neighbor’s money and giving it to someone else is immoral. True compassion comes from your heart and your pockets not thy neighbors. If you want to give, there are plenty of organizations which will take your money.

Government is inefficient and wasteful. Passage of Issue 20 would just give government more of your money to waste and grow itself bigger. Private organizations do so much more with less. If its in your heart to give, then please give to private organizations.

This Levy does not exempt the working poor and lower middle class. There are many hard-working, self sufficient people out there, who do not have a lot of money. Issue 20 will take more of their money and potentially push them from a self-sufficient status to one of dependency.

Since Issue 20 is a form of property tax, landlords will pass this burden onto tenants. Again, this will erode the income of the working poor. It will inflate the cost of subsidized housing, thus perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

A levy is a citizen imposed tax increase. Local politicians love Levies. Its a tax increase that they don’t have to take responsibility. Levies enable politicians to take normal operating expenses, such as education and social services, out of the general revenue. Once these items are placed on a separate levy and the levy is passed, the politicians have that much more money to spend. Levies also leave little incentive for government to balance budgets and spend wisely.

A YES vote for Issue 20 is a vote to take money from the working poor. Please think twice before obligating your neighbor to something he may not be able to afford.


Anonymous said...

My concern regarding Issue 20 is that there are some very powerful people and organizations bankrolling the campaign to pass the levy. I would to like know exactly who are the pro-Issue 20 people and how much money they have spent to promote it?

I am concerned that this levy will take money out the pockets of the working poor, the people who try their best, and give it to people who have made a life style of living off of hand outs. This levy will burden the working poor who pay rent and own houses. Landlords will pass the tax increase onto the renters.

Anonymous said...

I agree (for the most part) with what the blog says about issue 20. Issue 20 is getting a no vote from me!

Anonymous said...

Definitely a NO vote from me. Cancel your cable tv and sell your Playstation... then come talk to me if you can't afford your kid's vaccinations.