Wednesday, October 31, 2007

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do we as a society fall prey to the notion that "the system will fix it". Our government was created by the people for the people not as a source to fill the pockets of its shameless members or those who choose to depend on them. We the people have given up our rights as a free society and look what we have now. Our young kids and teenagers are killing innocent people for less then a hamburger at Mc.Donalds and they are allowed to roam the streets again because our system feels bad for them. Nashville homicides in 2007 increased by alarming rates from so called underage thugs yet we occupy our prisions with adults who tap their toes in a bathroom. We have let government tell us we cant discipline the youth and now they know a slap on the back is all they will get in return for their behavior. Dont give me your crap that they did'nt know what they were doing either, I was young once too. Our freedoms are dissappearing before our eyes so I have no sympathy for you when you start crying about my smoking or lifestyle of pleasures GOD has given me the ability to choose from. Keep your baby and diapers out of the restaurant as well as your 20 year old brat the government raised for you before the stress gives me a heart attack and I "sue" you (which is another form of letting the government run your life, face up to your own stupidity and take responsibility for your actions). Stay out of my parks and recreation areas too if you are an amature playing guitar or a dog owner who probably does'nt even wipe their own hole. I can give several reasons I'm bothered by the next guy but I still believe in FREEDOM. Put all your second hand crap in a wad of toilet paper and flush it, we all contribute to the fall of mankind, and we all leave this HELL on earth. Jane hit a deer, Johnny fell off the tractor that ran over him, Timmy drowned, Doug shot himself, baby was left in a dumpster, Tom stepped on a land mine OSHAMA shot you between the eyes.