Saturday, October 27, 2007

Welcome to Dayton's Alternate New!

Welcome to Dayton’s Alternate News!

Dayton’s Alternate News was created as a result of the failed Dayton School Levy and the pending Montgomery County Human Services Levy. It is and was appalling to see how myopically the local media covered these two levies. Both levies are and were given a great deal of support by the local media. Voices against both levies are and were not heard. For this reason, I wish to create a local forum that all voices may be heard.

I would also encourage everyone to be come involved in local politics and government. There is a great deal of apathy out there. So many important decisions that affect many are being made by a few, powerful, local people.

This is an open forum. I encourage all of you to contribute. Please try to convey your message in a polite manner and always use the Golden Rule.

Warm Regards,

1 comment:

David Esrati said...

Instead of starting your own alternative news- how about trying to add to
It's open to anyone who wants to post- just register- and post.